
Logo, management press
photos and vessel gallery

Ultrabulk media 

Below please find a selection of our logo, management press photos and photos of vessels for download. If you have any questions or need other formats, please contact our Communication Team.

Ultrabulk logo

Management press photos

Vessel gallery

Ultrabulk video

Ultrabulk news

Breakbulk Europe 2025

Join us as we embark on another voyage to Breakbulk Europe 2025, celebrating 20 years of this industry-leading event. From 13-15 May 2025, Rotterdam will welcome over 4,000 companies, creating an essential platform for networking, driving business growth, and...

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Introducing our Environmental Ambassadors

We are proud to introduce a newly trained group of Environmental Ambassadors within our organisation. This week, a carefully selected team of employees completed an intensive training programme, equipping them with the knowledge, insights and practical tools necessary...

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Contact the team


Meet the Management Team and the Board of Directors.


Ultrabulk is part of Ultranav, a large and diversified group of shipping companies. Ultranav was founded in Chile in 1960 by Captain Albert von Appen.

Specialised services

Special cargo? We are specialists in tailor-made transportation and cargo handling solutions.

How we work

Our teams go beyond borders, so no matter where in the world you are, we are ready to assist on any marine transportation need you have.